Charles Bishop of Pompano Beach, Florida: Indoor and Outdoor Weddings – A Photographer’s Perspective

Charles Bishop of Pompano Beach, Florida, has been covering weddings for as far he can remember. He has done wedding and engagement shoots in different venues, from historic churches to open fields. Both indoor and outdoor venues, says Charles Bishop of Pompano Beach, Florida, have their own advantages and disadvantages, especially when it comes to taking good pictures. In the end, though, the couple has the last say in terms of the venue, and it’s up to the photographer to adjust to any perceived pros and cons.


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1. Weather

Charles Bishop of Pompano Beach, Florida, thinks that an outdoor wedding, especially on a nice spring or fall day with very little chance of rain, is something really special. However, indoor venues, such as churches, wedding halls, and hotel ballrooms, are all controlled environments. This makes them ideal for weddings in all kinds of weather as the temperature is kept constant and the guests are protected from the sun or rain.

2. Venue rules

Wedding photographers have to contend with different sets of rules in both indoor and outdoor venues. However, Charles Bishop of Pompano Beach, Florida believes that there are more creative restrictions in places such as churches, where photographers have to follow certain protocols to respect the couple’s religion. For instance, certain churches do not allow photographers to roam around; instead, they are confined either to the sides or behind the sanctuary. Outdoor venues, on the other hand, are less restricting, but if the venue is a historic site, the authorities might not allow access to certain spots to preserve the building.


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3. Amenities

Photographers have specific needs, particularly when it comes to their equipment. For instance, they always need a power supply handy. Churches and other indoor venues have basic necessities such as power outlets. They may also have a holding room where photo editors can adjust photos on the fly, just in time for the reception. In contrast, a lot more planning goes into shooting outdoors. Charles Bishop of Pompano Beach, Florida recalls a wedding where the couple forgot that there was neither running water nor toilets in their chosen venue. As a result, the wedding left many guests feeling uncomfortable.

4. Lighting

Charles Bishop, Pompano Beach, Florida wedding photographer, believes that the best lighting is natural lighting. This is particularly true during the so-called “golden hours,” when the brightness and angle of sunlight make for striking photos. However, natural lighting is as unpredictable as the weather in any given area, so a lot of planning is needed to compensate for the lack of sun. Indoor venues, on the other hand, can be dark without the proper artificial lighting. If a photographer is able to get permission to use artificial light, he/she has to position it so as not to obscure the guests’ view of the ceremony. In some venues, such as churches, stained-glass windows could produce interesting lighting effects.


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5. Appearance

This is a purely subjective criterion and depends heavily on the preferences of the couple. If those to be married are more into the outdoors, a venue overlooking the mountains or the sea reflects their passion for each other. However, while Charles Bishop of Pompano Beach, Florida is not particularly religious, he recognizes the solemnity and intimacy of a small church, with its chandeliers, stained-glass windows, and religious figures.



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