Preserving paperbacks: Care and storage tips for book lovers

As a book lover, I have a pile of books on the shelf that I haven’t had the time to sort. One of my friends noticed the messy shelf and convinced me to give my precious paperbacks the TLC they deserve. Here’s what I learned from my recent book sorting activity:

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1. Store books in a dry and cool place, away from the sunlight.

Paperbacks are made of cheaper material making them more vulnerable to damage. Storing them where the sunlight hits can cause the pages and the cover to fade. On the other hand, if you store them in a humid room, the pages might be prone to mildew and mold.

2. Shelve books in an upright position.

The spines of paperback books are more fragile compared to hardbound ones. Letting the books stand will preserve not only the spine but also other parts such as the cover and the pages. However, don’t stuff the shelf with all the books that can fit. Doing this might ruin the covers. You wouldn’t want that.

3. Cover your favorite paperbacks with clear plastic film.

Doing so will preserve the structure of the book and will keep bugs, dust, mold, and mildew from ruining the cover page. If you want to take it one step ahead, use bubble wrap to protect the whole book.

4. Dust the books once in a while.

Accumulated dust can make the pages look darker and can get in between the pages. You can use a feather duster or a dry microfiber towel to clean the books.

There’s no substitute for a good book. If you have a growing library, it’s essential to organize the shelves so that you can return to your favorite reads or share them with others.

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Charles Bishop of Pompano Beach, Florida is a wedding photographer who loves reading good literature and collecting sports memorabilia. For updates on his work and interests, follow him on Facebook.